Bias Blind spot
We often know that people have biases. If we think about it, we also realize
that we also use bias in our decisions, yet we still do not compensate
sufficiently for our biases.
In particular, we will consider ourselves as being relatively unbiased
compared with others.
Pronin, Lin, and Ross (2002), Pronin, Gilovich, and Ross (2004)Pronin, E., Lin, D. Y., & Ross, L. (2002). The bias blind spot: Perceptions of bias in self versus others. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 369-381
Pronin, E., Gilovich, T. D., & Ross, L. (2004). Objectivity in the eye of the beholder: Divergent perceptions of bias in self versus others. Psychological Review, 111, 781-799.
Simon Johnson