Mini Plan chapter 4


I can easily edit out bits / add bits as I go along, but at the moment this is my potential order.

Unconscious assumptions ---->  Scientific proof (both highlighting further problems)

Freud, conception of conscious + unconscious
   his basic view, and how the unconscious would work,
    he overelied on sexual drive.

Lacan, mirror stage, construction of identity (is this really relevant???)

Jung, archetypes from collective unconscious, persona mask
   -This would allow us to decieve.

 POSSIBLE: Mood Conguence, affected by our feelings at the time (i.e. emotions, could be covered by next part.)

POSSIBLE: Projection / Introjection (again could be explained elsewhere, if necessary)


So let's back this up with science for a stronger viewpoint... pragmatic.
Freud's views don;t stand the test of time, primarily going to reference Jonah Lehrer book.

which I have the following to choose from to discuss:

Science book order:
1 how the emotions come into play, subverts the traditional rational mind
2 dopamine, can’t consciously process everything
3 emotions can be our undoing
4 rational mind can override this, running from fire. E.g
5 rational mind can then cause us to choke
7  brain argument, multiple choices
8 coda, pilot, plane

Conclude saying how problematic this is and that to be able to get out of this rut something drastic needs to be done to escape this trap that we are in... as we cannot properly concieve of a way out.... therefore I can then introduce the death of the author which may aleviate the problem of not knowing other minds, truth, because truth and all that will be creted by the perciever
of coursr that has it's own problems too, but it can then be put back again with the collective opinion, giving strength to accepted interpretation, along with context, coherentism, new facts, always open to change nothing is ever solid, such as new discoveries changing everything. fluidity.

Simon Johnson

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