Some contextual information to help myself in understand his theories on the unconscious mind.
Main source of information -
Lived - 1856 - 1939, Austrian psyhiatrist
best known for theories of the unconscious mind, defence mechanism of repression + creating clinical practice for psychoanalysis - curing psychopathology through dialogue with a patient.
My interests here: anything that could help relate to thoughts of the unconscious that would affect our actions either knowingly or unwillingly, etc.
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1923 attempted to develop model of the human mind, consisting of three elements - the ego, the id and the superego.
1938 - age of 81, brief statement of his life and career 'i started my professional activity trying to bring relief to my neurotic patients. I discovered some important new facts about the subconscious'
talking treatment, about their symptoms, where and how they began, problem seem to go...
'transference' feelings from family to others...
voyage into ones own self conscious... look into oneself. monumental achievement.
Freud interpreted his own unconscious.
Maybe this Frued work to appear in my plan before my own photographs work
Ediphas complex - kills his father and marries his mother
First lust towards our mother, and first hatred towards our father
Interpretation of dreams, would shake the modern era
the science of psychoanalysis
Freudian slip, most famous idea
Carl Jung, most gifted follower... broke 1914
Cancer of the mouth, had to wear something changed him, more reserved
Freud in the 21st century: psychoanalysis and/or psychology
Simon Johnson