Tips from Lectures


28th September 2012 - Defining a Dissertation Topic
A dissertation advances a new point of view resulting from research
Research is information gathered from reputable companies
Need to list all things read

Dissertation generally consists of an Introduction ------- Conclusion + Middle Argument
Presented orderly + coherently
Give reasons for ALL assertions
Avoid your own opinion, refer to those who studied before you

Foundational Points
analyse NOT describe
formulate hypothesis or point of view
conclusion - make recomendations - - - - pros / cons
Can include pictures
Don't be boring, make sure it fascinates you
Note down all ideas + begin to develop a plan
identify main texts/writers in the field - journal articles + academic books

 2nd November - Literature review
project muse
tate, frieze + art monthly online archive
Lexis Nexis edatabase

Say why you chose everything

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Simon Johnson

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